Thursday, July 14, 2011

[Electric Boats] Re: Re-gen


Hi Pitt,

Your regen results seem to fall right in line with the "current" conversation.

5.5kts = 1.2A at 54V charging is 65W
6.8kts = 2.4A at 54V charging is 130W

Thanks for posting your results.

Marina del Rey, CA

--- In, "Pitt" <boombolinate@...> wrote:
> Back to my WoW factor again, I have been doing a lot of sailing on the S.F Bay in the last few weeks....
> Oh yeah the re-gen, I don't have the LCD monitor mounted yet? I use it both on deck for interest, and down below to watch the charging, Mine is a 28000LB fat bottomed ketch who sails at between 5-7 kts all day long. As I have the throttle in neutral, the key/system is ON, when my speed log reaches 5.5 ktI get a reading of Gen 1.2a, when I hit 6.8 kt it reads Gen 2.4a these are constant every time we tack then build speed we hit 5.5 and the regen starts.
> I did increase my prop pitch and Dia to specifically catch drag for re-gen. With the size and momentum of my boat under way the extra drag has no real effect on the sailing efficiency....

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