Monday, May 2, 2011

[Electric Boats] Re: Taking the plunge


I pulled the old Albin O-22 out of Libertine (a Catalina 22) by myself in a slip. Used a mainsheet block-and-tackle to hoist it up and then a second one alternating with the first to walk it back along the boom. The only excitement was when I didn't anticipate how much the boat would heel when I swung the boom out over the dock. Fortunately a couple observers on the dock were quick on their feet and kept it under control. It's not a tough job if you work slowly and carefully, use extra lines to keep the boom under control, and don't try to man-handle it.

--- In, "Doug" <dj2210@...> wrote:
> On my Catalina 27 it took about 3 hours total to get the old Atomic four out. I did all the preparation myself. Removed the exhaust, carbuerator, motor mount bolts and anything else that would make it easier to clear the access door and hatch. A trolling motor on the stern got me to the service bay where the marina used their fork truck with a chain to remove the engine and place it on my trailer. Other that the 75 dollar marina charge no other cost. Considering it took them all of 10 minutes to lift the engine the balance of the time was engine prep and motoring to the slip.
> Doug
> --- In, "Chris D" <thedulingroup@> wrote:
> >
> > Hey does anyone know a company that will pull out my non-working universal engine on my 28' O'day Sailboat. I want to start the preparation for an inboard electric engine? I would love it if they could do it in my slip at the marina. I am in Home Port Marina in Palm Harbor, FL (Tampa/Clearwater area). Email me with any suggestions. thedulingroup@
> >

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