Thursday, June 3, 2021

Re: [electricboats] Anyone uses a used EV car battery for powering ?

I don't have first hand info on this but I do know of one installation on a 13,000lb monohull that just upgraded from Chevy Volt batteries to a bank made from the 280AH LiFePo4 cells that are currently very popular and have been discussed here.  A single 280AH bank replacing a a bank of four of the 48V Volt (apr. 200AH)  The report was that the new battery configuration is performing much better though I don't have any metrics.  But the recommendation was that the Chevy Volt batteries were not worth considering with better options now available at competitive costs. 

A 48V 280AH bank from the Eve or LeiShen cells will cost between $1700 and $2000 USD including a BMS (like a Daly).  A similar sized bank from Chevy Volt batteries will be about $500 for each 48V 50AH unit.  So that's about $3000 for the same capacity but the BMS will be more complicated I think.  And those are not new cells but probably have a lot of life left and might be a good interim solution if you can find a good deal on 2 or 3 of them.  They are more easily scaled with the 48V units.  But they run at a slightly lower voltage than the LifePo4 cells I think. 

Dan Pfeiffer


On 2021-06-03 10:31 am, Carsten via wrote:

Scouting for a useful and low-cost battery bank, I would like to know - are some of you using a used EV car battery (50-80% remaining) for powering your boat ?
If so, how ?
I would like to wait to spend BIG bucks for a large new bank, so this might be an alternative, until the battery technology has come up at a higher level.

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