Sunday, February 23, 2020

Re: [electricboats] 15 KW DC l electric conversikon

Ant bms is programmable with android phone up to 32s

On Sunday, February 23, 2020, 07:14:41 PM PST, Kevin Pemberton <> wrote:

yes off the shelf  BMS products are available on the aliexpress site. a 4th gen BMS about 160.00us


On Sat, Feb 22, 2020 at 9:08 AM cpcanoesailor via Groups.Io <> wrote:
I see that the LTO cells have a nominal cell voltage of 2.3V, which is quite different than the 3.2V nominal voltage for LiFePO4 cells. That means you might have a hard time finding off-the-shelf charge controllers and BMSs that will work with these cells. I guess fully programmable units could be made to work, but IMO there's something reassuring about having the electronics that touch your battery cells just work when you apply power. No programming, no bootstrapping, less stress.

But if you can source suitable electronics, then maybe they are great. Does the manufacturer provide any recommendations for BMS and charge controllers?


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