Thursday, December 30, 2021

Re: [electricboats] Motor Mount and Thrust Plate design - hoping for feedback

Steven, has 316 stainless in whatever you want. I'm building an ocean front house with a lot of salt spray. 304 corroded in 3 months. American made 316 has surface corrosion after 2 years. If the price difference is small I'd go for 316.
Jerry Barth

Sent from my Sprint Tablet.

-------- Original message --------
From: Steven Borg <>
Date: 12/30/21 4:07 PM (GMT-04:00)
Subject: Re: [electricboats] Motor Mount and Thrust Plate design - hoping for feedback

Carsten, great point.  I did some research just now, and I would love to use 316, but I can't find a place that will do 316 in 1/2" thickness. The prior engine had a lot of iron and steel and I didn't have any issues with rusting.  So I think I'll have to stick with 304.  It's not as resistant, but it is more resistant than some of the alternatives.

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