Thursday, March 13, 2014

Re: [Electric Boats] Electric Kayak


Hi Bob,

Doesn't 200Ah weigh about 250 pounds?  Wait, maybe not, you didn't mention voltage.  200Ah@12V should weigh about 65 pounds, 24V close to 130 pounds, 36V about 190 pounds, and so on....   

I'm guessing that your original FLA batteries were rated with lower capacity.  Same weight?  Lithium weighs about 40% as much as FLA or AGM for the same rated capacity and voltage.  That generally leads to only 3 times the range for the same weight battery pack at the same speed (2.5 times on capacity alone, the rest from lithium's lower Peukert's coefficient).  So a 5 times range increase sounds  like 60% more battery weight and about twice the battery size (volume).

80 mile range?  At what speed?  We all know that speed has a huge influence on overall range.  Should we assume that 80 miles means about 70 nautical miles?  We are discussing boats after all....

All of this is an educated guess, but there's not much info to go on.  Can you let us know if any of these guesses are correct?  Providing more specific info is a bigger help to those who would follow in your footsteps.

Fair winds,
Marina del Rey, CA

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