Wednesday, March 12, 2014

[Electric Boats] Re: 5KW or 10 KW


While searching for something else, here's what I posted about my "at the dock" experiment a while back:

On another note, I did a full throttle run at the dock. Average amp draw was 158.8A DC at 47.24V or 7.5kW! Compare that to the 5.1kW noted above at full throttle in open water. Since I was starting with 80Ah already used of my 128Ah of usable capacity, the 160A load was rapidly draining my battery pack. After more than 5 minutes at full throttle, the motor windings had climbed to 85C, well under the manufacturer's rated limit of 150C, although the temp had not stabilized yet. I decided to stop the experiment as I quickly approached having only 30% of my usable capacity left and I didn't have too much time to get some electrons back into the pack before I had to leave. Perhaps I can do this again with a fully charged pack to see where the ME0913 motor temps will stabilize while pulling 7.5kW in the bilge of my boat. In spite of what some of the component vendors might say, I'm pretty sure that running that motor in boat at 10.5kW will cause it to overheat in relatively short order. I appreciate that my vendor conservatively rated my entire drive system, I'm sure that it will continue to perform well for many years. 

Obviously, the forum history remembers things better than I do....
Fair winds,
Marina del Rey, CA

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