Sunday, October 31, 2010

Re: [Electric Boats] I am thinking about considering building an E-Boat


I live on Lake Murray in Columbia SC.  I will try to get some pics.

From: "" <>
Sent: Sun, October 31, 2010 9:02:09 AM
Subject: Re: [Electric Boats] I am thinking about considering building an E-Boat


Interesting project. Be sure to post lots of pictures. Where are you in the Palmetto State?


-----Original Message-----
From: Bill Spires <>
Sent: Sun, Oct 31, 2010 1:41 am
Subject: Re: [Electric Boats] I am thinking about considering building an E-Boat

I am thinking about building an electric boat and that is why I joined the group.  I think I have found the perfect hull for me.  An old Rainbow sailboat.  It is currently a complete sailboat but I plan to convert it to an E-boat only with no mast or keel.  I have a 36 volt golf cart motor but I think I will start off with just a trolling motor.  The lake I live on is approximately  7 mile s wide and 20 miles long with about 600 miles of shoreline.  I need about 10-12 miles of range at about 4 knots.  I think a 2 battery setup with an electric trolling motor will give me what I am looking for.  I will carry a small generator to run the blender and provide a supplemental charge.  I will re-charge the batteries from shore power after a cruise and I am planning to put at least on solar panel on with a diode just to keep the batteries topped.

Any thoughts o the above?

I would like to instrument the boat so that I can know exactly how efficient it is.  If I go for a little sunset cruise how can I tell how many kilowatts it will take to recharge the batteries?  A spreadsheet that we could just plugs some numbers into would be nice,,, and a computer programmed to do all the calculations while we are out cruising would also be nice.  Tie in the GPS as an auto pilot and I can concentrate on running the blender.

Are we having fun yet?

Capt. Bill
From the Palmetto State

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