Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Re: [Electric Boats] Re: Electric boat marathon in Maryland October 1, 2010


I am interested but am located in Maine. I would consider going to something in New England. My interest would primarily being in seeing, talking and learning what I can about what folks are doing rather than in watching how fast someone can go.

On Sep 28, 2010, at 1:17 PM, quietboats wrote:


Well, I'll bump this up to everybody's attention just once more. No discussion at all so I have to figure few here if any want to participate in electric boat competitions. If there is interest but just not in these two events I would like to hear what would be appealing IE: different location, different dates, mulitple distance choices...whatever.
In any case, everyone is welcome to come to St. Michaels, MD this Friday to catch the Wye Isalnd Challenge and keep April 15, 2011 in mind for the Florida event.

Thanks, Tom

--- In electricboats@yahoogroups.com, quietboats <no_reply@...> wrote:
> I want to alert the community here that the 9th annual Wye Island
> Electric Boat Marathon will be held Oct 1 in St. Michaels Maryland.
> This 24 mile race course emcompasses approximately 8 miles of open
> water, crossing the Miles River tributary of the Chesapeake Bay twice,
> and 16 miles of relatively sheltered water encircling Wye Island.
> Please go to www.electricboats.org <http://www.electricboats.org> and
> click on the Wye Island EB Marathon tab for complete rules and
> information. If anyone has any questions or would like to participate,
> please email me directly to "EBAA (at) ec.rr.com".
> On a related note: In the early years of this forum ideas for such
> competitions were widely discussed here. However, when I posted similar
> information earlier this year there was no discussion at all. I realize
> at that time I was accused by the moderator of spamming the list so that
> may have had a somewhat tempering effect on further discussion but I
> seriously would like to know who if any here are interested in electric
> boat competions and how you would like to see them develop.
> Also, if you can't make this event in Maryland, please keep in mind the
> date for the next EB race in Cortez Florida: April 15, 2011. Thank you.
> Tom Hesselink

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