Sunday, April 4, 2010

[Electric Boats] Re: Pure or mostly solar powered boat?


responding to the "practical" question posed: Start with the basic facts of insolation, that is the amount of energy reaching the earth's surface, usually rated at 1,000 watts per sq. meter in perfect conditions. Now you factor in the efficiency of converting that power to electrical energy through your PV panels, which an average would be about 12%. You wind up with maybe 120 watts per sq. meter. If your boat needs something like 3 electrical HP (+/- 2,200 watts) to cruise at 4-5 knots, you can see that you would have to completely cover the deck, and then some to make it possible. Otherwise, a completely noble goal!

Sailonner in Sausalito
Cal-34 with 150watts solar and homemade wind generator. Barely enough to keep the beer cold on a cloudy day! let alone try to cruise with an electric propulsion system yet. If only my old westerbeke diesel would run on recycled veggie oil like my F-250 PU and '82 MB 300D.

--- In, "peoria_diver" <daredster@...> wrote:
> Hello all,
> I've been lurking in this group for the past year or so and have learned a lot from you all. I've had a project in mind and I'm trying to figure out if it's practical and how to make it work. Would it be possible to modify a smaller cruising sailboat to a pure solar powered boat?
> My thoughts were along the lines of buying a sailboat around 30' LOA, stripping out the engine, mast and rigging, fuel tank, etc. and replacing it with an electric motor, batteries in place of some of the balast, and as many solar panels as I can fit on the cabin top and on a hard top to replace the bimini. Most days I'd like to be able to cruise around 5-6 knots for 4 hours or so, but still have the capability to go 70-80 miles on occasion. Oh, and the maximum budget for the project is about $40K.
> Is this possible? Practical? Safe? And how would you accomplish it?
> Thanks!
> -Red

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