Totally agree with you Rob,
I hear and see a lot about this but I never get any firm examples of different set ups. I've been looking into this for a long time now. I'm looking to do it with a light weight 40-50 ft Catamaran and I don't want to have to rely on a Generator. It seems if we were to do it it would be a certain part experimental. Try this link for some basic case studies of monos with electric drives.
At the moment we are in the Philippines and about to commission a 40ft Fusion Catamaran that has a Glacier Bay set up onboard. I will be sure to write up here about our experiences once we are in the water. Shall also get some pictures up of the set up.
All the best,
--- In electricboats@
> Don , once again , you would need to be specific.
> Batteries used to propulsion I believe should be seperated from house batteries , otherwise if you got in a situation where the batteries ran down , not only would you lose power , but also the use of a lot of instruments , radio etc.
> But even running a 20,000 lb boat on 4 batteries , where is it safe or astute to do that ?.
> Is it going to be enough to work for hours in to a head wind , or a strong current ?.
> I would dearly like to go to electric power , thats why I've been on this forum for some time , but I've yet to see anything safe enough to use in my environment , and I suspect the same would be true for a lot of other forumites.
> Regards Rob J.
> --- On Wed, 7/10/09, postal6@... <postal6@...
> From: postal6@... <postal6@...
> Subject: Re: [Electric Boats] Repowering 40' 1975 20,000 lb sailboat
> To: electricboats@
> Received: Wednesday, 7 October, 2009, 7:56 AM
> Usually electric propulsion systems are less weight than the original
> gas/diesel set-up. Most sailing vessels utilize two batteries, and the
> addition of two more is less than the weight of a half filled gas/diesel
> tank. And comparing the weight of a gas or diesel engine, with
> transmission, to a Mars electric motor is quite a drastic weight
> differential. Less weight, less chance of flammable explosion, would
> make any insurance entity happy. And if lead cell batteries cause a
> safety concern, alternative
> batteries are available.
> Don Swanson
> On Tue, 6 Oct 2009 20:48:56 +0200 "Alan Ford" <alanford@..
> writes:
> Gday all
> Replacing keel mass ( in a sailing vessel) with batteries is going to
> affect your boats stability curve, and quite possibly then any insurance
> cover you may have, as you are altering an original design parameter
> pertaining to safety.
> rgds
> Alan
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: aweekdaysailor
> To: electricboats@
> Sent: Tuesday, October 06, 2009 6:17 PM
> Subject: Re: [Electric Boats] Repowering 40' 1975 20,000 lb sailboat
> Futher confirmation that the "sweet spot" - sailboats < ~30' holds.
> The combination of cheap mass-produced components (golf carts...) in the
> appropriate power range (6HP) and the ICE weight-credit to
> energy-capacity/
> that, and the power requirements start to overwhelm the load-bearing
> capacity of the vessel using lead-acid and the budget of the owner if
> using LiPO4.
> AC Motor with AC generators maybe? It's just a series-hybrid at that
> point but could still be supplemented with a big inverter/charger and a
> moderate battery-bank for harbor maneuvers.
> Denny has suggested taking some weight off the keel to compensate - that
> would help push the envelope to larger boats. In fact the first time I
> read about an electric conversion it was a concrete-keel Rawson 30 where
> the owner had chisled out the concrete to make room/capacity for the
> batteries. Not too many of those available unfortunately, so we're left
> with chopping lead (or iron...)
> Hollow (filled fiberglass) keels on some boats?...hmmm.
> Any marine architects on the list?
> -Keith
> --- In electricboats@
> > I received two prices for converting, and without batteries, is getting
> close to $12,000 US. Out of my ballpark, and no savings in the long run
> at all.
> >
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